The gym is an excellent place to get active. Most gyms offer equipment, weights, classes, and more for people of all fitness levels. There are countless benefits to working out, from burning fat and building strength to improving your mental health. However, the inherent nature of exercising does come with risks. If you are not careful, you can suffer serious …
How Does Music Affect Your Workout?
When heading to your workout, there are a few things that most gym members always bring with them: a water bottle, a towel, the appropriate shoes, and their headphones. For many gym members, their headphones are the most crucial part of their workouts. Without them, they might not even exercise. In fact, a 2014 survey found that two out of …
How Does Cold Weather Affect Your Workouts?
The year is swiftly coming to a close. While that means the holidays are right around the corner, it also means that the weather is about to get much colder. Many people enjoy the cold, while others do not respond to it nearly as well. Regardless of if you like it or hate it, it is coming. However, for those …
How to Be a Good Gym Member
If you are a fitness beginner, joining a gym can be overwhelming. After all, when you look around the facility, you might not recognize most of the weights and equipment you see. In some instances, this might be the first time many beginners even step into a gym. There is nothing wrong with that, but outside of learning how to …
How Can Personal Training Help Me?
Whenever someone is first beginning their fitness journey, they often don’t know where to start. After all, most beginners have little to no experience working out. They don’t always know what programs or exercises they should follow in order to reach their goals. Without a plan, they are likely to run into a wall and will fail to achieve their …
7 Fitness Mistakes Beginners Should Avoid
Here at Fitness Nation, we encourage everyone to get up and get active. No matter your fitness level, there is an activity out there that fits your needs and skills. From cycling and running to lifting weights, you will be able to find an exercise that you enjoy. For many fitness beginners, getting started can be difficult. After all, if …
What are Some Good Low-Impact Exercises?
While staying active is crucial to staying healthy, some people’s bodies cannot handle the pressure and impact of specific workouts. Exercises, such as running, put immense pressure on the joints of the runner. For those with preexisting conditions or injuries, these exercises can lead to significant pain. This pain often pushes people away from being active. However, there are a …
The Importance of a Rest Day
By now, everyone knows that to keep their body in shape and healthy, they have to stay regularly active. Whether you choose to cycle or lift weights, there are countless options available to you. People of all fitness levels can find a routine that fits their skills and their needs. While it can be hard to find the motivation to …
What You Need to Know About Cycling
Cardio is one of the most popular forms of exercise people often do. After all, there are plenty of different cardio options. They will likely be able to find an exercise that fits their schedule, goals, and physical requirements. From running and walking to swimming and jump roping, cardio is a great way to get active and stay healthy. One …
The Benefits of Exercising Outdoors
One of the best ways to keep yourself healthy is by getting active and exercising. Fortunately, you do not have to be a fitness expert to get active. There are different types of physical activity that allow you to choose an activity that best suits your fitness level. Whether you want to lift weights, stick to cardio, do yoga, or …
Cardio and Why It’s Important
All healthcare experts will agree that being physically active is crucial to keeping your body healthy. It helps your body function at a high level by improving cardiovascular health and muscle strength. Fortunately, individuals have a myriad of options to choose from to keep them active, and all provide countless health benefits, both physical and mental. One of the easiest …
What to Know About National Hydration Day
Keeping your body healthy should be a priority for everyone. After all, you only get one body, so you better take care of it. Staying healthy isn’t as cut and dry as some might think. Your body is complex, and each person is different. Listen to what your body is telling you and adjust your lifestyle accordingly. There are multiple …