
Beyond the Scale: 5 Ways to Measure Fitness Progress

The most common goal people are focused on when they are embarking on a fitness journey is the number showing on the scale. Too often, it can be misleading or even frustrating to feel like you are putting in the work, but the number doesn’t…

Getting Started: A Guide for Strength Training for Beginners

If you are ready to level-up your health and fitness goals, then adding strength training into your workout routine is essential. Strength training is a great way to jumpstart your fitness routine. Or, it can also be an effective solution to help you break through…

Transform Your Body: Your Guide to Gym Success

If you are ready to achieve the body transformation you’ve always dreamed about, then it starts with creating the systems and routines that will set you up for gym success. Simply having a gym membership isn’t going to achieve the results that you want without…

Building a Fitness Community: The Importance of Support and Connection

If you are on a journey to lose weight or reach your fitness goals, it can feel like a lonely road without support from other like-minded people. Even though your goals are individual and no one else can do the work for you, there is…

Balancing Act: Finding Harmony Between Fitness, Work, and Life

Do you feel like your schedule is so full that it is challenging to fit in regular workouts? While everyone knows that health and fitness should be a priority, they often fall to the back burner because of other pressing responsibilities that come up at…

Strategic Meal Planning Tips to Support Your Fitness Routine

There’s a reason why they say that “abs are made in the kitchen.” It doesn’t matter how much you are working out… if you are consuming high-calorie, low-nutrient foods, then you aren’t going to reach your fitness goals. When you are ready to ramp up…

Lifestyle Resolutions to Stay on Track with Your Fitness in 2024

The start of a New Year is often a time when people are setting new health and fitness goals. It’s a fresh start, and you might feel motivated to get back on track after eating so many treats through the holiday season. As you are…

How to Maintain Your Fitness Goals Through the Holiday Season

If you are like most people out there, it’s easy to slip into unhealthy habits during the holiday season. Not only are there delicious treats everywhere you go, but it’s tough to maintain a consistent workout schedule when the calendar is packed with holiday parties…

Turkey Trot Prep: Training Tips for Your Best Thanksgiving Run Yet

Do you love the tradition of running a race on Thanksgiving Day? Before putting the turkey in the oven, many people enjoy lacing up their running shoes to join a big group in a 5k or half-marathon race. If you are planning to run on…

Get Back to Group Exercise Classes While the Kids Go Back to School

Do you find it easier to stay motivated with your workout routine when sharing the experience with others? If you have a hard time working out on your own, then one solution is to join group exercise classes where you can share friendship and encouragement…

Beat the Post-Summer Blues: Revitalize Your Fitness Goals in September

While summer can be the favorite time of year for many people, there can be a bit of adjustment as the summer months come to an end and you are moving back into your regular routine once again. Many families find that the summer months…

Fitness Tips for Busy Parents When the Kids Go Back to School

Even though summer break is fun because of the quality time to share with the family, many parents agree that it feels like a bit of relief when the kids are going back to school in the fall. It can be challenging to keep up…