
5 Tips To Increase Your Metabolism

Many of us out there that are interested in losing weight, getting in shape, or simply living a healthy lifestyle are curious about the inner workings of the metabolism. So, the questions are, what is a metabolism, how does it work, and how can you…

The Importance of Exercise During Pregnancy

Your body is going through some big changes when you are pregnant, and that means you are going to have to engage in a few different routines to adjust and keep your body healthy. A great way to immensely benefit your body and your baby…

How You Can Have Your Cake And Eat It Too

The only way to live a happy and full life is to incorporate balance. This is applicable to most every aspect of life, but especially to your diet and exercise routine. It is important to remember that you shouldn’t strive for a quick fix, but…

How To Maximize Your Time At The Gym

When it comes to working out, the ultimate goal is to make progress in your fitness, shape, and muscle tone. If you are spending an allocated amount of time each day on a workout, you want to make sure that workout is beneficial and that…

Back To School Fitness Routine

Whenever summer comes around, we have a tendency to fall out of our normal routines. As the kids’ schedules change, ours changes right along with them. Sometimes things become a bit more relaxed, and our normal schedules just seem to escape us a bit. Now…

5 Ways To Change Up Your Fitness Routine

Changing up your workout routine isn’t only something to consider when you simply get bored with your usual routine, but it is also important to consider changing things up in order to keep your body guessing. If you don’t change up your routine every so…

Food Items That Actually Aren’t Healthy

Learning to live a healthy lifestyle can be difficult. One of the more difficult aspects can be changing up your diet. Eating healthy will make you feel great, look great, and of course increase your overall health, so it is definitely worth making the change.…

How to stay motivated during your workout?

Getting motivated to work out can be a difficult feat. The problem is, there are two hurdles to overcome. The first problem is you need to find the motivation to start the workout, and second, sometimes you must find ways to motivate yourself to finish…

5 Tips for Working out While Traveling 

We work hard for months and months going to the gym and dieting to try and reach our “summer body” goals. The problem is it’s hard to maintain that discipline and commitment while traveling. The sad truth is, regardless if you are traveling for vacation…

Don’t Procrastinate, Start Working on your Summer Body now!

It happens every year; summer comes all too fast when we suddenly realize we haven’t exactly gotten our bodies “summer ready”. Come January, a large majority of us tell ourselves that this is the year to be healthy and in shape by the time summer…

What Comes First: Cardio or Weights?

One of the most frequently asked questions aimed towards fitness professionals comes down to the arrangement of one’s exercises. Many people wonder when they should stretch, when they should squeeze in their cardio, and when they should get in their weightlifting. A majority of people…

8 Fitness Myths Exposed

In today’s day and age, we are constantly hearing about new fitness trends, new fitness myths, new fitness miracles, new weight-loss methods, and the list goes on. People are constantly looking for the easy way out when it comes to weight loss. Whether it be…