
5 Health Myths You Should Forget About

Let’s face it - it seems a new fad diet or way to be “healthy” pops up every few weeks. For years, people of all ages and sizes have struggled to understand the right way to achieve a healthy lifestyle. The majority of our population…

How to enjoy working out in the morning

We all know it and we all acknowledge it; morning workouts are the best. But, how do we get up and actually do it when it is so much easier to hit snooze and sleep that extra hour or two? Now, what if we tell…

5 Steps to Becoming a Runner

Finding that perfect balance between a cardio workout and being fit is a delicate one. Knowing when not to overdo it or when to keep going can be hard to figure out on your own. The fitness experts at Fitness Nation have worked hard to…

Why Stretching is Important Before You Workout

Stretching is important to prevent injury and keep your muscles in good shape. Improving flexibility in your muscles by stretching will increase your overall workout stamina. Also, when you stretch before working out you are helping your joints out too. A good piece of clarification…

Summer Salads to Fuel Your Body

At Fitness Nation in Arlington and Bedford, Texas, we offer 24 hours a day, 7 days a week service to fit your gym needs. The summer is here and many of us are trying to eat healthy, but also nutritiously. So, here it is –…

7 Moves to Build a Bigger Butt

At Fitness Nation we offer 24 hour service to you and your butt workout. Our trainers have learned the precise ways to help you get that butt you’ve always wanted. So, how have we done this? Well, when you start a workout, it’s important to…

How to Get One Step Closer to Getting a Six Pack

If you are looking for the perfect cardio and ab workout near Arlington, Texas, then look no further. At Fitness Nation in Arlington and Bedford, Texas we have the perfect exercise regimen for every person’s needs. We believe that it is possible for everyone to…

Body Pump: The Full Body Workout

Fitness Nation in Arlington and Bedford, Texas are dedicated to your fitness needs. We believe in the full body workout, and today we will talk about Body Pump. Body Pump has become a very popular and a great way for you to achieve your full…

How to get Summer Body Ready

How to get Summer Body Ready It’s summer time in Arlington and Bedford, Texas. So, how about that summer body? The four areas that you should focus on are diet, exercise, mentality, and supplementation. Your dream body is waiting around the corner, and with proper…

5 Cardio No-No’s at the Gym

Do you like getting your heart rate up and entering that ‘fat-burning' zone with cardio? Well, a lot of people aren't familiar with the common mistakes they make during their cardio workout. Let's take a look at what they are and how you can fix…

The Perfect Gym That’ll Want You To Exercise More

We all know that regular exercise is key to keeping yourself fit and healthy. But how is one to find the motivation to exercise in the first place? Well, many people join a gym to follow a fitness program because they feel that they are…

Is Pilates the Right Fit For You?

Pilates has taken the fitness world by storm globally. No fitness center is complete without some form of Pilates being offered at the facility. A fairly more contemporary form of exercise as compared to yoga and Tai chi, Pilates was developed in the 1920s to…