Fitness Strategies to Start Now & Avoid Holiday Weight Gain
Halloween is the beginning of a few months of holiday celebrations. It’s a fun time of year to celebrate and enjoy traditions. Unfortunately, many activities include decadent treats, which means there’s a risk of holiday weight gain if you aren’t careful. You don’t need to…
Is It Time to Add Variety to Your Exercise Routine?
Not only is it essential to maintain consistency with your exercise routine. But it’s also a good idea to change up your exercises with cross-training and new activities. In addition, varying your movements is vital to improving your results and ensuring a well-balanced workout. When…
Beneficial and Safe Exercise Ideas During Pregnancy
While many women consider pregnancy a “free pass” when it comes to exercise, it’s probably not the healthiest option. It can be tricky, though – you’re not feeling your best, so working out may not be your top priority. Exercise may not even be crossing…
Stretching Is Increasingly Important with Age
Most people know that they should be consistent with a regular exercise schedule. Maintaining this movement can bring a long list of benefits to your life. In addition to cardio and weight lifting, make sure you are balancing it out with stretching as well. What…
How the Proper Weight Lifting Technique Helps to Avoid Injury
It doesn’t matter if you are a pro athlete or looking for ways to maintain your health and fitness – weight lifting is an important part of a well-balanced training routine. Before you start into a new weight lifting routine, it’s smart to talk to…
7 Tips for Minimizing Muscle Soreness after Exercise
Whether you are a pro athlete or maintaining good health with regular workouts, it’s common to feel post-exercise muscle soreness. A change in intensity or activity activates the muscles in different ways and might engage new muscles. As a result, small tears in the muscle…