Pilates vs. Yoga – What’s the Best Choice for You?
Both Pilates and Yoga are great choices for getting fit. If you’re just starting your fitness journey, congratulations! This is an exciting first step towards better health and overall well-being. Within just a few weeks of getting started, you’ll already start to look and feel better. You should be excited!
However, at Fitness Nation we know that deciding on how to get started with your new fitness plan can sometimes be a difficult or complex decision. How do you know what workout will fit best into your lifestyle? Firstly, our advice is don’t stress too much – just getting started is half the battle, and you really can’t make too wrong a choice.
With that said, getting off on the right foot can definitely help make your first few weeks of workouts more fun. So, if you’re struggling to decide between Pilates and Yoga, check out the points below that should make your decision a little easier.
- Yoga is More Spiritual. Both Yoga and Pilates focus on improving your body and sharpening the mind and body connection. However, Yoga has a stronger specific focus on the spiritual side of the equation. Given Yoga’s long traditional past as a vehicle for enlightenment, this makes sense. If you’re interested in medication and other sorts of spiritual exploration, Yoga might be the best choice for you. On the other hand, if you prefer to keep your fitness routine “just business”, Pilates might make more sense.
- Toning vs. Flexibility. Both exercises focus on toning as well as improving flexibility. However, Pilates certainly emphasizes toning, while Yoga tends to focus more on flexibility. Again, both styles will work to improve both muscle tone and your flexibility, but if you’ve really got a preference on one or the other, this might influence your choice.
- Core vs. Holistic. Pilates takes core strength as the most important overall fitness objective, while Yoga is more holistic in its approach. Again, certainly Yoga will also work to build a strong core, and Pilates is great for your general health, but the elements of focus still apply. If you’re really interested in building your core, PIlates might be the best choice.
These are just some of the differences between Pilates and Yoga, and hopefully after reading these points, you’ve got a better idea of which will be best for you. Remember, there’s no wrong choice, and no reason why you can’t do both! If you’re interested in learning more about either Yoga or Pilates classes in Arlington, Fitness Nation can help! Contact us today to talk with our friendly team of fitness experts.[/vc_row]