Beyond the Scale: 5 Ways to Measure Fitness Progress

The most common goal people are focused on when they are embarking on a fitness journey is the number showing on the scale. Too often, it can be misleading or even frustrating to feel like you are putting in the work, but the number doesn’t seem to be budging. In fact, you might feel discouraged about your efforts if you aren’t seeing any other evidence of fitness progress.

The reality is that the number on the scale is just one measurement you can be looking at. A better approach is to be tracking different variables to see how much progress you are making over time. While it’s important to know how much you weigh, the more important factors are how you are feeling, how your clothes are fitting, and the muscle gains you are making as part of your fitness program.

In this article, we are taking a closer look at the different ways to measure your fitness progress. Remember that this journey should be a holistic approach. Not only are you putting in the work to lose weight, but a good fitness program can have a positive impact on every area of your life.

In addition to stepping on the scale, also consider measuring your fitness progress in these other ways:

Strength Gains

Pay attention to the weight you are able to lift and how many reps you are completing. In the beginning, you might feel like you are weak and not performing at your best level. But, over time, you can start to see improvements as you add more weights to lift and stay strong through the recommended reps.

The truth is that increasing strength over time has a positive impact in many ways. Muscle building helps with bone density, your metabolism will go up, and you’ll notice a better functional capacity in everyday activities.

So, work to increase your weights and resistance over time. Track this fitness progress, and you will have a measurable way to see how you are improving.

More Endurance

The first time you go running, it’s common to end up winded and needing a break… and you might only be a few minutes into your exercise routine! The truth is that cardiovascular activities have a positive impact on overall health, which is why it’s smart to be proactive about tracking the distance and time of these types of fitness routines.

Write down the type of activity (running, cycling, swimming, hiking, etc.), then keep track of the distance and the time spent on the activity. You’ll start to notice that you can complete the same mileage faster, or you will be able to go a longer distance as your endurance improves.

The best approach is to start small and gradually increase the distance, time, and intensity. You might consider implementing interval training to keep it interesting when you are tracking fitness progress.

Body Composition Changes

The most important change you are going to see over time is the way your body composition changes. Ultimately, the goal is to reduce body fat and increase muscle mass. Different methods can be used to track your body composition fitness progress:

  • Body fat percentage tests
  • Progress photos
  • Waist circumference measurements

The best way to ensure that your fitness progress measurements are accurate is by consulting with a personal trainer or a fitness professional.

Not only do you look better when you lose fat and gain muscle, but these body composition changes also have a positive impact to improve health markers and reduce the risk of certain diseases.

Increase Energy Levels

One of the best benefits of a regular fitness routine is that you will notice an increase in your overall energy levels. When you are working out, managing your diet, and staying active, then you will have more energy to get through each day.

Pay attention to how you are feeling each day. It’s a good idea to track your energy levels. Notice how easily you get tired, and how well you feel throughout the day. Paying attention to these details can help you stay motivated with your fitness routine, because you will find that you are sleeping better, your metabolism is improved, and you have more stamina to get through the daily tasks.

Additionally, tracking your energy levels is an important step so you can make adjustments to your exercise and nutrition routines. If you find that you are too tired or feeling fatigued, then it might be a sign that you need to increase your calories or schedule a day for rest and recovery.

Body Confidence and Clothes Fitting

You will be the first one to notice a difference in your body. Pay attention to how your clothes are fitting and how comfortable and confident you feel in your own skin. Over time, you will start to see that your pants are a little looser – or you might even need to go shopping for new clothes! While this fitness tracking is a little more subjective, it can still be a great way to see that you are making the progress that you want to achieve.


What is the best way to track fitness progress if I don’t want to focus on weight?

Weight loss is only one measurement. There are many other ways that you can track your progress, such as body measurements, endurance, and even the way your clothes are fitting.

What should I do if I hit a fitness plateau?

If you find that your progress is slowing down, then it’s a good sign that you need to switch things up. Adjust your routine, change the duration and intensity of your workouts, and make changes to your nutrition. Consider talking to a trainer for personalized recommendations.

What non-scale fitness successes can I celebrate?

There’s always a reason to celebrate! Recognize your success when you can increase the amount of weight you are lifting, fit into your “skinny” jeans, or you are simply feeling stronger each day.

Do You Need Help with Your Fitness Journey?

As you are getting started on your fitness journey, don’t underestimate the importance of having an experienced team to provide support and encouragement along the way. Join Fitness Nation today to find a community of like-minded people.