Back To School Fitness Routine
Whenever summer comes around, we have a tendency to fall out of our normal routines. As the kids’ schedules change, ours changes right along with them. Sometimes things become a bit more relaxed, and our normal schedules just seem to escape us a bit. Now that summer is coming to an end, we are just now starting to get back into the swing of things when it comes to our responsibilities and normal routines; One of those routines likely being our fitness routine.
Now that the kids are going back to school, your time is a bit more your own to manage during the day. You may have worked hard for your summer body and don’t want to lose it, or maybe you didn’t have time during the summer, but you are ready to implement healthier habits into your life now, either way, keep reading to learn a few easy tips to get back into your fitness routine.
#1 Plan a workout schedule
The first part of committing to your back to school fitness routine is setting a schedule. Whenever we don’t set a schedule for working out sometimes the day gets busy and lost from us and the workout just never ends up happening. If you set and commit to a day and time, you will most likely commit to the workout itself. Alongside setting a time, select the days in which you will work out different parts of your body, i.e., legs, cardio, or arms, etc. Planning ahead (especially on paper) is a known key to success.
#2 Get a workout partner
Working out with a partner is great for multiple reasons. You will have someone around to help keep you motivated and vice versa. You will actually find that motivating someone else will also help keep you motivated. Pick a workout partner that you have a relationship with so you can hold each other responsible for showing up to your fitness gym in Bedford.
#3 Get moving
Most of us just don’t move enough. If your children’s school is close enough, trying walking the dog to pick them up instead of driving through the carpool line. Get moving together, take the family out for a hike on the weekends, so you can spend some time together while staying active.
#4 Try group fitness classes
Group fitness classes are similar to having a workout partner because you are surrounded by people working towards the same goal that will help keep you motivated and accountable. If you sign up for group fitness classes you will also be more likely to commit as you will have a specific time for attending. These classes are great for making working out more fun and challenging as well as giving you the option to switch it up and try a new class whenever you’d like.
Fitness Nation is a modern and friendly fitness gym in Arlington and in Bedford. If you are looking to get back into your fitness routine, come see us and check out all that we have to offer. If you have any questions about signing up, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.