6 Ways to Stay Motivated in the New Year
As 2021 gets underway, countless people will be setting goals for themselves in the new year. 2020 was a challenging year. Virtually every month presented new challenges for people to face and overcome. Naturally, due to the nature of the year (thanks in large part to the global pandemic), people fell short of many of their goals. Fitness goals were difficult to keep, too, due to most gyms being closed for most of the year.
The start of a new year always brings promise. People are more determined than before to follow through with their New Year’s resolutions. However, just because a new year is about to start does not mean the same challenges are gone. It still might be hard to stay motivated in the new year for many. After all, nearly 80% of all New Year’s resolutions fail by the first week of February.
Here at Fitness Nation, we understand how difficult this last year was for virtually everyone. While many people might have fallen short of their 2020 goals, 2021 is a new year. We understand the drive and determination to stay motivated in the new year, which is why we are here to provide you with some helpful tips to keep you going.
1.) Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals
S.M.A.R.T. stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. When setting goals, we understand the urge to make big ones for the new year. However, the bigger your goals are, the more likely you are to give up. Unfortunately, if your goals are too lofty, they become unattainable, which will become discouraging quickly.
Set specific goals with a fixed endpoint. For example, if you want to lose weight, set a number, such as 15 pounds. Not only is that specific, but it’s easily measurable. Plus, that is easier to attain than saying you want to lose 50 pounds by the end of the year. Also, give yourself a timeline. Instead of telling yourself, “I’m going to lose weight this year,” say, “I’m going to lose 15 pounds by the end of April.”
2.) Set New Goals
To piggyback off the first tip, set new goals throughout the year. You should set S.M.A.R.T. goals early in the year. These goals should be attainable for you. In many situations, you might reach them earlier than expected. So now what? Set new goals!
Setting new goals every couple of months spices up your plan by giving you something new to work towards, and it boosts your confidence since you already accomplished something. Set smaller, more achievable goals throughout the year to keep you motivated.
3.) Get an Accountability Partner
Everyone’s fitness journey is their own. You don’t share one with anyone else. The effort someone else puts out will not help you achieve your own goals. However, having an accountability partner can help you stay motivated to reach your goals.
When you’re on your own, you’re more likely to skip. After all, no one is there to tell you to go work out. Having someone check in on your progress and vice versa can keep you both motivated. It also pays to have someone go with you to the gym. Whether you work out with a partner or train with a personal trainer, it’s harder to avoid working out when someone is waiting on you.
4.) Establish a Schedule
Once you have created a workout routine, it’s time to start planning. Having a set schedule is vital in completing your goals. After all, without a plan, how are you supposed to know what you need to do every day? A schedule will keep you locked in and focused on the task at hand.
One study suggests that it takes an average of 66 days to form a new habit. Some habits take longer to develop than others, but consistency is crucial. If you have a plan going into your workouts, you can follow a program easier and reach your goals faster.
Assess your current schedule. What time commitments and priorities do you already have? Do you have any free time available? If possible, schedule your workouts around the same time every day to keep yourself consistent. Just having a schedule will help you stay motivated in the new year.
5.) Spice Things Up
While consistency is crucial, doing the same thing over and over again can get old. Every workout routine should have variety. Break up your exercises to focus on specific muscle groups to give other areas of your body time to rest and heal.
However, even that can get redundant. Your muscles will get used to your exercises, making you feel like you didn’t even exercise. Plus, since you’ve done these exercises for so long, you might get bored with them.
According to the American Council of Exercise (ACE), updating your workouts and trying new things can help you stay motivated by challenging you mentally and physically. Every couple of weeks, try something new, whether with yoga, cycling, or a workout class.
6.) Prepare for Failure
One main reason people quit their resolutions is that they “fail.” Regardless of how consistent you are or how hard you work, you will always run into setbacks, mistakes, or failures. That’s just a part of life, but if you plan to run into these obstacles, then you’re less likely to quit. You expect to face some adversity, which prepares you to push through them.
Not only might embracing failure help you stay motivated in the new year, but it might also help you reach your goals. One study examining the career trajectories of scientists found that having an early miss or failure in their career increased their likelihood of sustained succussed in the future.
Join Fitness Nation
Staying motivated can be difficult, regardless of the year, but after the events of 2020 and with many issues still lingering, it might be even more difficult in 2021. But that doesn’t mean they are impossible. Staying motivated can be challenging, but we believe in all of you.
Hopefully, you can implement our above tips and keep yourself driven throughout 2021. If you are looking for a gym to help you reach your goals, look no further than Fitness Nation. Our doors are open 24/7, which means you can take advantage of our quality amenities, no matter your schedule. Join Fitness Nation today!